Musical Inspiration for this BLOG:
Luther Vandross - Goin' In Circles?
(Meant to be played while reading)
Today I discovered that men and women, couples and singles don't always see eye to eye, it's physiologically impossible. The truth is that we simply care about different things. Many men put value in visual marvels, solving problems, achievements and acquisitions while their their counterparts place value in experiences, possessions, security and stability. The same is true for couples versus singles. Very rarely can you find a single person who is not selfish when it comes to their personal happiness. Whether it's buying those $500 heels, $5000 television or that $50,000 convertible most singles have become experts at putting themselves first. In a true union there is sacrifice. Couples may choose to trade off. Instead of those heels they may get ahead on the utility bill. Instead of that TV he may purchase a family vacation. Instead of the convertible the couple may use the money as a down payment on a home. Neither way is better or trumps the other. I merely argue that men and women, couples and singles are different.
High Points:
Spring is finally here! Bust out the lawnmowers and weed n' feed! Fire up the grill and take your shorts and graphic tees out of storage. More sunshine and less cold. This is the time of year that helps humanity recharge. Baseball season begins and outdoor sports like swimming, soccer and volleyball help us re-establish social camaraderie. In the spring, to get the party started all you need is a cooler, a few cold drinks a swimsuit and a ball. Get out there and enjoy it, I will!
Themes for the Day
Ode to spring
How much is fertilizer?
The grass feels just like carpet
Turn that video game off! Go outside and play
Going to the grocery store for charcoal and lighter fluid
Low Points:
The Facebook page for my VOTE AGAIN T-SHIRT company has only received 9 "likes". I'm no social media expert but when I consider how this very blog has amassed over 115,000 hits since it's inception I am starting to believe the page is a little behind in terms of viral buzz. I know that the election is not until November and people have other things on their plate but going to a Facebook page and hitting that cute little "LIKE" button takes all of 5-seconds. Help us out. Click the logo below and help support a positive cause. You might even win a FREE T-shirt by doing so.
I don't know about you but during the last presidential election I felt so liberated when I went to the polls and cast my vote. Although the electoral college determines the Presidency, knowing that I took part in the political process validates the efforts of so many who came before me. Voting is a human right and should be exercised, regardless of the outcome.
John R Williams
Author/Radio Host/Filmmaker/Sales Professional/Executive/Business Owner
Question of the day -(Fill in the Blank)
"I plan to vote but _________________ ."
"I plan to vote but _________________ ."
.....there is no but!
.....there is no but!
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