
Think I’m Afraid?


Today I realized that some people think that I’m afraid. Fear is berthed from distressing over the unknown. I have seen mounds. My time on earth has been jam-packed with enough stimuli to make many men quiver from fear but I am not afraid. Yesterday I told a potential employer that their “phenomenal” job offer was nothing more than a witty invention designed to reel in exceptional talent for mediocre compensation. They thought I was too afraid to call them on their falsehood. That’s adorable.

Top 3 comments to call BULL_ _ _ _ on every time:
1.      Black people don’t want to read, work or vote
2.      The salary range is between this amount and that amount
3.      If you don’t do it now you may never get a chance to do it again

High Points:
I am four weeks away from completing my first full semester of college. At the beginning of the year I decided to go back to school. Many people go back to school to get an education, training or a better job. I went back to fulfill a personal goal. I approached college in the same manner that I approached other goals for my life. The worse kinds of promises to break are the ones that you make to yourself. I promised myself that I’d finish it so I’m going to finish. Grant it, many of the classes I enrolled in don’t interest me. However, they do meet the graduation requirement. A couple of the courses are actually challenging. I have learned something new each day. That’s what it’s all about.
Themes for the Day

When is the paper due?
The midterm exams will not be multiple choice.
The study hall will stay open until midnight during finals week.

Low Points:
Last week I convinced myself otherwise. I actually convinced myself, wow! Somehow I tricked myself into thinking that a certain situation was the best move for my circumstance. I guess I lied to myself. I was actually surprised at how easy it was to do. Unexpectedly, I don’t feel too bad though. Each minute, millions of people lie to themselves; it’s just that I am authentic enough to admit it. The trick is learning how to avoid doing it again. It becomes a problem if you keep lying to yourself. Being able to tell the difference between the truth and a lie is easy when someone else is involved. You can look for clues and tale-tell signs that give away their deception. But when you lie to yourself it’s not as easy to identify the con.

Two Words: Bye Week
The National Football League engages in a practice called the “Bye Week”. It’s kinda cool. Basically, instead of reporting for duty they get a full week off. They can use the week for rest or relaxation, a mental health break or to situate their home life. The “bye week” is a company recognized week that does not count against their vacation balances or accrued time. Fact is the NFL encourages it. Think of how much more productive American business would be if we were all given bye weeks off.

If your company gave you a BYE WEEK off, how would you use it?

John R Williams
Author/Radio Host/Filmmaker/Sales Professional/Marketing Executive/Business Owner

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