


Today I discovered that life is lived day-by-day. Understanding the BIG picture is cool and by no means am I condemning the necessity of visionaries but in order to live a truly full life one must seize each day. I will spare you the mind-bending mathematical formulas and layered algorithms which support my stance that days are literally composed of hundreds of tiny yet significant pockets of time that represent chances for human beings to do an experience a myriad of things. We can choose to spend our time being happy or sad, doing good or evil, loving or hating, nonetheless we get a choice. These planes on the time continuum are the blank canvasses awaiting a great artist, us. That’s why it always a quandary hearing people declare that they are having a bad day when actually they are merely having a bad pocket of time.

Musical Inspiration for this BLOG:
In your Eyes – Peter Gabriel (from the album “SO”)
(Meant to be played while reading)

Fitting Quotes:
“Every second is of infinite value.”  ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

High Points:

One of my dreams is now a reality. In early March, I plan to launch a tee-shirt company focused on the 2012 presidential election. My goal is to educate our youth about the importance of voting and empower impoverished urban areas by providing tools and resources so they can register to vote and exercise their right to vote. With the help of supporters, my brand will transcend the fashion arena and provide so healthy discussion and focus on what will arguably be one of the most significant elections in American history.

Themes for the Day
Vote 2012
Register now!
Early polling is my choice
Can the Democratic Party do it again?
Can’t wait to see the Presidential Debate!

Low Points:

 Lately I have been feeling like a huge part of what makes me who I am has been caged, drowned out by life, circumstance and responsibility. I was thumbing through some old college photos and like many, I reminisced about when life was much simpler. We can all relate to this. Remember when we were nineteen and all we needed to do was worry about was ourselves? We didn’t have to prepare meals, pay the mortgage, be on time or report to anyone. Oh what a feeling! Fast forward a decade or so and that feeling is almost gone from me. I have never liked confinement. Perhaps this is what the peacock feels s like when it’s caged.  Imagine going your whole life knowing that your feathers are vibrant and splendid almost breathtaking because of their color but never having a chance to display them.

Two Words: Intentional Obliviousness

I despise this concept. Intentional obliviousness occurs when a sane person knowingly pretends to be oblivious about a matter so that they aren’t subject to accountability. If they play crazy and act like they don’t know about a thing people often assume they are inept and omit them.  

Question of the Day (PLEASE RESPOND)
What have you given up because of life or circumstance?

John R Williams
Author/Radio Host/Filmmaker/Sales Professional/Marketing Executive/Business Owner

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