
Spicy and Delicious!

Today I discovered that two of the best words to combine are: SPICY and DELICIOUS. Say it a few times for yourself. I was invited to a crawfish boil today and enjoyed some of the spiciest and delicious creole prepared crawfish, sausage, corn, potatoes and shrimp this side of the Mississippi. The cook took his job of creating the delectable masterpiece seriously as his backyard was prepared in advance with cold beverages, patio furniture, lots of friends, games and décor. To say I sat there like a gluttonous freak would be an understatement. How could I deny myself the delicious Bayou goodness waiting for me? Two hours and eight pounds of crawfish later I am sitting at my laptop ready to nap.

High Points:

I gave my youngest son Xavier one of the cutest haircuts ever. I mean, it truly needed to be entered into one of those style books that you see in barbershops. All of the blends were tight, he had no scars, the hair lining was tight and his hair looked silky smooth as stage curtains at the Metropolitan Theatre. He knew the cut was off the chain because he kept himself in the mirror and rubbing his head. I wonder where he gets that from. Not only did it look good, I saved myself twenty bucks.

Themes for the Day

Who needs plates?
Just dig in, worry about the mess later
Pull the head off and suck out the juice
Hold still, the lining is the most important part of the cut
Do it yourself, why pay a stylist

Low Points:

I miss Cirque Du Soleil. As I sit here staring at the poster I was given for their production OVO, I am saddened by the fact that the only way I can see a Cirque show is to go to Las Vegas or catch one of the traveling big tops. When I saw OVO, I felt alive. The moves, balancing, feats of strength and coordination, music and choreography awakened my senses. Their garden of theatrical delights are in full bloom. Cirque is one of the hottest tickets in town.
Check their productions out online: http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/en/welcome.aspx

1 Word – Explanation.
I will explain “pure bliss” as promised. I have felt pure bliss this year, a few times,
When I experienced the ecstasy it left me almost breathless. Whew!

What is your favorite Creole dish and Cirque Du Soleil Show?

John R Williams
Author/Radio Host/Filmmaker/Marketing Guru

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