
Laugh to keep from crying…


Today I discovered that good things come to those who wait but you have to be willing to put in the time. Can you do the time? It takes a certain mindset to conquer time. Every passing minute gives us a chance to fail. Patience is learned through travailing and being steadfast. Nothing worth it ever comes easy. Anyone can quit, anyone can throw in the towel when things get tough but people who are truly invested in a thing will wait, and wait, and wait and wait until they receive the miracle they were hoping for. Waiting doesn’t make you a fool, nor does it show that you are a weak link, in fact it demonstrates just the opposite, you are stronger than anyone can imagine and you are splendid beyond belief

High Points:

I was prayed for today. I was so privileged to receive the prayers and agreement of the saints about the issues that were disturbing me and the challenges I could no longer hurdle by myself. I had a hard life and I was raised to be capable and damned near ultra-independent, sometimes to a detriment. Over time I grew uncomfortable with asking people for help and advice, even during times when I need it the most. All of that is about to change. There is nothing misguided about asking for help when you can’t manage things by yourself. The best victories are not celebrated all alone.

Themes For the Day

Join hands
Two heads are better than one
Together everyone achieves more
Let’s do this together

Low Points:

I didn’t laugh enough today. I can only remember smiling twice. Usually I am a bit of a clown. There are a few TVshows, situations, thoughts, books and people that send me into hysteria instantly. Today I did not expose myself to any of that. I was serious John. Driven, focused, calculating, angry, intense John. No one likes to be around that guy. It won’t last, haha, I made a funny.Join me in the comedic gesture.

10 Words – How will you make it if you never even try?

Why do people give up?

John R Williams
Author/Radio Host/Filmmaker/Marketing Guru

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most of the time it usually comes from a combination of three things: Annoying frustration, repeated exhaustion, which later turns into what scientists calls learned helplessness. Sooner or later one or the combination of all three will get you to wave your white flag or throw in the towel. Especially, when the enemy just nonchalantly will ignore the rules of engagement, refuse to play fair and your current methods to deflect or counterattack the bullshit (AKA Slow your roll lol) no longer have the same affect as it once did. Then thats when frustration kicks in because naturally the older we get stress becomes an even more serious factor that can kill you. If you don't believe it just read the obituaries and compare them to papers 30 years ago. More and more people are dropping dead from stress before making it to their 40 birthday. I get offended when people have no regard to peace my home because in actuality they have no regard for your life. Look at Nate Dogg. Lastly, back to this term learned helplessness. Scientists developed this term in a lab experiment with mice in a maze ultimately rewarding one mouse with cheese at the end. The other mouse received a small electrical shock. At first the mouse would scurry around to find another part of the maze that they felt was safe, until the scientists pressed the button again and the mouse would retreat somewhere else. This would continue over and over again until eventually, the mouse realized that nowhere was safe and became numb to the pain because it accepted that pain was inevitable and no longer saw that it was practical to run or seek shelter. Humans experience this to when we freeze in fear and just like the mouse learn that there is nothing we can do . However, there is another solution that's embedded deep within our primal urges that all of us have which is our fight (stand and hold your ground) or flight(have an escape route) response when anxiety gets too overwhelming that enough is finally enough.