
Social Media Dieting


Today I discovered that I am addicted to social media. Since when did it become cool to jack into a laptop and talk about life instead of living it. If I had a quarter for every minute that I spent updating my status or letting strangers all across the world know what I did with every waking moment of my life, I would be rich. Well, maybe not rich but I certainly could take a decent vacation. There used to be an era when the best part of social interaction was the actual social interaction. Not the photos, not the goofy clubs and games and not the pleasure you get from adding and deleting friends. Stop talking about living life on some computer and get out there and actually live people! No one knows you like, well,,,you. Don’t let someone else throw in the towel for you.

High Points:

Today I woke up with a smile on my face. I was so happy to be alive! Sure I was as hungry as a hostage in a torture prison but nonetheless I was happy. I took my cheerful spirit everywhere I went too. I took it to the daycare when I dropped off my youngest son, to the freeway where countless people cut me off in traffic, to my job where I met with client after client, artist after artist and business owner after business owner. My merriment was contagious; I even spread my joy to one of my buddies over a fine sushi lunch. I continued on my mission of spreading delight to the world by spreading it to my classmates. I shot them all a text message reminding them of the homework assignment that was due so they could ensure they came prepared to class. There will be other opportunities for me to share my zeal for life and I can’t wait to be presented with the chance to do so. No one can stop me from loving with glee.

Themes For the Day

Don’t worry be Happy
Turn that smile upside down
I can’t stop laughing
You’ll catch my good attitude
Laugh now, never cry later

Low Points:

Okay, so I started frequenting a local barbershop near my place of employment and have been pleased with the skills my barber has but for whatever reason, I haven’t been scheduling and keeping a standing appointment with my clipper maharishi. I feel bad too because the guy can really cut too. Perhaps it’s the whole idea of having to go to a place each week to get groomed by someone else other than me. Maybe it’s the awkward feeling I get after I get my haircut when dozens of women flirt and compliment me. As flattering as it is to be given tribute via admiring compliments, I truly am a simple man. Who knows, maybe it’s the fact that a decent cut (on a man) costs $20+ these days. Anyway, I had better call him and set up an appointment quickly because I am starting to look like a mountain man by the neck, a water logger by the face and a J Rock Daddy from the movie South Central by the head. Where are the clippers at?


2 Words – Evening Class

I recently re-enrolled in college to better myself as a person and pursue a degree in Finance with concentrations in Global Commerce, Marketing and Information Systems but as a minor concentration I am studying literature. More specifically, How to Write the Modern Romance Novel. The class is amazing; the only negative part about the class is that it is a night class. God Bless all of those determined professionals with families who became Phoenixes. It’s harder than you think. The class is a breeze, staying awake because you are exhausted from a long day is the hard part. Maybe I should stop spending hours on end texting, Tweeting, Facebook’ing and posting status updates and get some rest.

How do you know when you are addicted to a social media?

John R Williams
Author/Radio Host/Filmmaker/Marketing Guru

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know you are addicted when, people you haven't spoken to in 3 months, pretty much have stayed abreast all the current events in your life that used to only be available to a select few, only through word of mouth from associates through the social network.