
The Process of Love


Today I discovered that not every story has a happy ending. Rather, it’s all relative to the mindset of the one in the situation. One could look at life obstacles and major changes, impacts and tests as nuisances and not food for the soul. Notwithstanding the growth and lessons we learn from enduring those moments. There’s the million dollar word for the day: ENDURING. Perhaps struggle has nothing to so with victory or loss but mastering the art of enduring, lasting and continuing. Beating odds means that someone else set the spread for you and passed premature and ill advised judgment on your capabilities. No one knows you like, well,,,you. Don’t let someone else throw in the towel for you.

High Points:

I was invited to sing for my church choir, the first rehearsal is tomorrow. I am really honored. I can hold a note but I haven’t sang in an organized setting in a few years. It’s a bit scary because the congregation is huge, literally there are hundreds of people out in the pews each week waiting to hear anointed voices during the worship and praise section of the services. However, before I start feeling defeated, I must remember (4) things:

#1 it’s not about me, it’s about the Kingdom and helping others follow Him
#2-It’s can be my own special form of service, I was given the ability to hold a note so why not sing
#3-I actually enjoy music, I love everything about it and I actually play my piano and sing everyday
#4-I can actually sing. I’ve performed on stages all over the country since high school, real talk, I’m pretty good!

Rehearsal is every Tuesday,,,,,wish me well.

Themes For the Day

Lift Every Voice
Melodies from Heaven
Sing a song of praise
Choir practice
All the world’s a stage

Low Points:

I realized that I may be too transparent. People appreciate the information but don’t acknowledge the risk, courage and adoration it takes for an individual to think enough of you and themselves to be open, honest and forthright with their feelings without fear of judgment. Being transparent means you make the unapparent apparent without a stimulus. You volunteer your emotions without having received a toll. You are extremely vulnerable and you literally put yourself out on an island hoping to receive the care and comfort you deserve for the gesticulation. A sad thing is, not everyone appreciates it, and in fact they feel superior and entitled to receive your gift. Try to disprove my theory, I dare you, no I double dare you. You can always spot the cynics and pessimists in the room because instead of being a volunteer of information, they are the spectators keeping to themselves, no matter what the stimulus is. How selfish.


4 Words – Learn to love yourself?

Seems like a simple thing to do but instead of thinking of it as a single event think of it as more of a process like gardening, baking a cake or remodeling your home.

When it comes to love……How do you perceiving the human condition?

John R Williams
Author/Radio Host/Filmmaker/Marketing Guru

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